Today I would like to share my February wrap-up along with my TBR for March:
Completed Books: 60
Pages read: 19,680
YTD books read: 110
YTD pages read: 37,242
Pages per book: 328
Pages per day: 729

*all the book covers have embedded links to Goodreads.
If you are interested in my ratings for any of these reads, as quite a few have yet to be reviewed, feel free to look at my running post in one of the Goodreads challenge groups, The Challenge Factory, click this link here.
March Line-up:
Currently reading


I am participating in the Reading Rivalry (link imbedded) challenge for March, as I have done for the past several months. One of the rules for the challenge allows you to read 25% of any amount of books you choose prior to the upcoming month. So for March I will be completing each of the books listed above as “Currently Reading”. I started each of those on the 28th and the 29th of February.
I am shooting for at least sixty books this month, but I left a few spaces for last-minute books. As always, this TBR will change a few times this month, but I hope to stick to it as closely as possible.
I had a lot of fun in February as I had some awesome reads. The standout book to me was Photos of You by Tammy Robinson. It was a highly emotional read that easily broke and warmed my heart at the same time. I am also thrilled that I was able to read eight books from the In Death series by J. D. Robb as my goal is four monthly until I catch up.
February was Black History month. This was, in part, the theme for the Reading Rivalry challenge that I mentioned. I was able to read Becoming by Michelle Obama, An American Marriage by Tayari Jones, The Measure of a Man by Sidney Portier and Born a Crime by Trevor Noah. Three of these were memoirs and they were all excellent reads. Trevor Noah’s book hit me the hardest of the four. What his mother had to do to protect him due to the fact that he mixed race in South Africa at a time when this was a crime was eye-opening.
If my count is correct, sixteen of February’s reads were for upcoming Blog Tours. The rest of my reads were books for the monthly challenge, ARCs from NetGalley and Edelweiss, as well as connected series. Actually, I was able to read over thirty of the NetGalley ARCs I have. I am excited that I will be getting my 500 books read button this month. I started with NetGalley in March 2018, so this is a nice anniversary gift when it comes to book reviewing.
This month my goal is to continue to read at least two books daily, with the main focus on April’s Blog Tour titles (seventeen are lined up) and my ARCs. I am also glad to continue with the J.D. Robb books this month. And, as always, if I run across any books for review that are parts of series, time permitting, I may go to my online library or audiobook sources to read prior books.