Today is my day for the blog tour for The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne.
The bravest of heroes. The brashest of rebels. The boldest of lovers. These are the men who risk their hearts and their souls—for the passionate women who dare to love them…
He is known only as The Rook. A man with no name, no past, no memories. He awakens in a mass grave, a magnificent dragon tattoo on his muscled forearm the sole clue to his mysterious origins. His only hope for survival—and salvation—lies in the deep, fiery eyes of the beautiful stranger who finds him. Who nurses him back to health. And who calms the restless demons in his soul…
Lorelai will never forget the night she rescued the broken dark angel in the woods, a devilishly handsome man who haunts her dreams to this day. Crippled as a child, she devoted herself to healing the poor tortured man. And when he left, he took a piece of her heart with him. Now, after all these years, The Rook has returned. Like a phantom, he sweeps back into her life and avenges those who wronged her. But can she trust a man who’s been branded a rebel, a thief, and a killer? And can she trust herself to resist him when he takes her in his arms?
“Byrne is a force in the genre.”—RT Book Reviews
Title: The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo
Author: Kerrigan Byrne
Genre: Historical Romance
Format: Kindle ARC
Series: Victorian Rebels #6
Date Published: August 28, 2018
Publisher: St. Martins Press
No. of Pages: 384
My rating: 5 Stars
While riding in a carriage one day with her brother Mortimer and her father, fourteen-year-old Lorelai Weatherstroke was looking out the window. Shockingly she saw what appeared to be a dead body underneath a tree. She begged for the carriage to be stopped. Mortimer gathered up a man, not a corpse, who was very close to death. They brought him back to their home and, with the aid of a doctor, Lorelai nursed him back to health. With no memory of his past, his name, or anything else, he is at their mercy.
Lorelai has always taken in injured animals, and brought them back to good health. So it is only natural to care of this young stranger. In so doing, one of the things she does is to name him. As he was found underneath an ancient ash tree, that is the name she gave him: Ash. It takes months for Ash to heal from his injuries, and the two draw become very close. Although they can never say the words that are in their hearts, the feelings that grew were incredibly powerful. But...they become separated.
Enter The Rook - a pirate who is wanted by everyone, including the Royal Navy. He is no longer Ash, but a bold pirate with a reputation for brutality and a man who wins whatever he wants to attain. Now he wants Lorelai, but he is not the Ash she remembers, the Ash she has dreamed of, the Ash she has cried for....
What ensues between Lorelai and Ash/The Rook is a compelling story that became impossible to put down. I couldn't imagine how the two could come together. IF they could ever come together. The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo is an enthralling read with strong characters and a powerful plot. I was riveted to this story, especially as my curiosity of how the tender Lorelai and the now brutal Ash could get past the barriers between them.
The character development was just so wonderful. I absolutely loved Lorelai. She was a very strong heroine and took no foolishness. Ash went through so many transformations that I couldn't help but feel for him. The passionate romance in this story was well worth the wait. I do wish that I read the previous books in the series, but this book stood well as a standalone, as I got just enough of a glimpse of the past stories. Nonetheless, I am eager to read the other stories in the series. Kerrigan Byne has done a superb job with this book. I truly enjoyed her writing style and I am very glad to have read it and am now on the hunt for the first five books in the series.
Many thanks to St. Martins Press for this ARC to review in exchange for an honest review.
Q: Describe the hero and heroine of The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo in three words each.
A: Hero: Tenacious. Lethal. Unyielding. Heroine: Wounded. Enduring. Lonely.
Q: What is one thing the heroine, Lorelei, can’t live without?
A: Lorelai can’t live without her animals. She runs an unofficial wildlife preserve where she nurses wounded animals from the estuary back to health. If she didn’t have her precious friends to care for, I don’t know what she’d do!
Q: What was the most played song on your playlist while writing this novel?
A: I listened to the soundtrack to the most recent Anna Karenina and Pride & Prejudice by Dario Marianelli over and over. I know it by heart.
Q: What was your hardest scene to write in The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo?
A: One of my favorite scenes was the “wedding” of The Rook and Lorelai. I loved how it was so serious, but because of who was in attendance and the way pirates view marriage, it became rather ridiculous. I giggled through the whole thing.
Q: What is one thing you would like readers to take away from this story?
A: That forgiveness and communication are just as important in a relationship as passion and excitement. I love that Lorelai
Q: What inspired you to write your first book?
A: I think every writer has that moment when their love of reading is so voracious because they’re looking for one perfect story that they are aching to read about. Then, the idea dawns on us that in order for that story to exist, perhaps we have to write it ourselves. Not that any story is ever perfect, but finally the one that has been burning a hole in your soul is finally told! That’s how it happened for me, anyhow.
Q: Is there another particular author that inspires you or that you enjoy reading?
A: Within my genre, I’d say Lisa Kleypas is just an incredible and inspiring writer. I devour everything of hers. Outside of my genre, I am constantly inspired by Christopher Moore. He’s alternately poignant and hilarious and I learn more about great content from him than almost anyone else!
Q: Where do you go or what resources do you use to make sure your novels are historically correct?
A: Burke’s peerage is always super helpful. I have a bevy of books and resource material on everything from Jack the Ripper to Harper’s Bazaar to help me learn about a time period and the people who lived there. Unfortunately, I still don’t get everything right 100% of the time. It would certainly be more useful to time travel.
Q: Did you learn anything surprising while researching for this novel?
A: I did! I did a ton of research on the practice they used to call “Shanghai.” Life at sea was so difficult, shipping captains were always understaffed. And so, to supplement their crew, they’d pay brothels, cafes, and restaurants (not particularly reputable ones) to often drug their customers and deliver them to the docks. The poor men would wake up on a ship half way to Shanghai (thus the name) and had no choice but to work for his keep until the ship docked again. Can you imagine?
Q: Why do you write historical and contemporary romance?
A: While history is my first love, I am also nuts about paranormal, suspense, and mystery. I LOVE to unravel a good mystery. I used to work in law enforcement, and I met so many incredible characters, that I knew I had to write about them. I’m burning to have the time to revisit my contemporary world.
Q: What do you do if you don’t feel like writing anymore?
A: I try to do something inspiring. Go to a concert, a winery, on a drive or hike, or hang out with friends. If it’s crunch time and I can’t indulge myself, I call my wonderful brainstorm and critique partners and they’re always there to help me cobble something together, even when I don’t feel like it’s there. I rely on them heavily for inspiration!
Q: How did you feel the first time you realized one of your books was a hit?
A: To be honest, I’m still not certain I’ve ever really had that realization! However, I’m pretty sure I have the most incredible fans and friends in the entire world and when I’m doubting myself, or when I am in need of encouragement or validation, they’re always right there with the kindest and most encouraging words.
Q: What’s next for the Victorian Rebels series?
A: I’m very excited to be working on a brand new series entitled THE DEVILS OF DEVONSHIRE. However, I am absolutely planning on writing two more books in the Victorian Rebels series because I know that Chief Inspector Carlton Morley and Sebastian Moncrieff both need to have their stories told. I’ve been yearning to write them for years! They’ll both be coming in 2019, so keep an eye out!
If Lorelai Weatherstoke hadn’t been appreciating the storm out the carriage window, she’d have missed the naked corpse beneath the ancient ash tree.
“Father, look!” She seized Lord Southbourne’s thin wrist, but a barrage of visual stimuli overwhelmed her, paralyzing her tongue.
In all her fourteen years, she’d never seen a naked man, let alone a deceased one.
He lay facedown, strong arms reached over his head as though he’d been trying to swim through the shallow grass lining the road. Ghastly dark bruises covered what little flesh was visible beneath the blood. He was all mounds and cords, his long body different from hers in every way a person could be.
Her heart squeezed, and she fought to find her voice as the carriage trundled past. The poor man must be cold, she worried, then castigated herself for such an absurd thought.
The dead became one with the cold. She’d learned that by kissing her mother’s forehead before they closed her casket forever.
“What is it, duck?” Her father may have been an earl, but the Weatherstokes were gentry of reduced circumstances, and didn’t spend enough time in London to escape the Essex accent.
Lorelai had not missed the dialect while at school in Mayfair, and it had been the first thing she’d rid herself of in favor of a more proper London inflection. In this case, however, it was Lord Southbourne’s words, more than his accent, that caused her to flinch.
As cruel as the girls could be at Braithwaite’s Boarding School, none of their taunts had made her feel quite so hollow as the one her own family bestowed upon her.
“I-it’s a man,” she stammered. “A corp—” Oh no, had he just moved, or had she imagined it? Squinting through the downpour, she pressed her face to the window in time to see battered knuckles clenching the grass, and straining arms pulling the heavy body forward.
“Stop,” she wheezed, overtaken by tremors. “Stop the carriage!”
“What’s bunched your garters, then?” Sneering across from her, Mortimer, her elder brother, brushed aside the drapes at his window. “Blimey! There’s a bleedin’ corpse by the road.” Three powerful strikes on the roof of the coach prompted the driver to stop.
“He’s alive!” Lorelai exclaimed, pawing at the door handle. “I swear he moved. We have to help him.”
“I thought that fancy, expensive school was supposed to make you less of an idiot, Duck.” Mortimer’s heavy brows barely separated on a good day and met to create one thick line when he adopted the expression of disdainful scorn he reserved solely for her. “What’s a cripple like you going to do in the mud?”
“We should probably drive through to Brentwood,” Lord Southbourne suggested diplomatically. “We can send back an ambulance to fetch him.”
“He’ll need an undertaker by then,” Lorelai pleaded. “We must save him, mustn’t we?”
“I’ve never seen so much blood.” It was morbid fascination rather than pity darkening her brother’s eyes. “I’m going out there.”
“I’m coming with you.”
A cruel hand smacked Lorelai out of the way, and shoved her back against the faded brocade velvet of her seat. “You’ll stay with Father. I’ll take the driver.”
As usual, Lord Robert Weatherstoke said and did nothing to contradict his only son as Mortimer leaped from the coach and slammed the door behind him.
Lorelai barely blamed her passive father anymore. Mortimer was so much larger than him these days, and ever so much crueler.
She had to adjust her throbbing leg to see the men making their way through the gray of the early-evening deluge. Just enough remained of daylight to delineate color variations.
The unfortunate man was a large smudge of gore against the verdant spring ground cover. Upon Mortimer and the driver’s approach, he curled in upon himself not unlike a salted snail. Only he had no shell to protect his beaten body.
Lorelai swallowed profusely in a vain attempt to keep her heart from escaping through her throat as the man was hoisted aloft, each arm yoked like an ox’s burden behind a proffered neck. Even though Mortimer was the tallest man she knew, the stranger’s feet dragged in the mud. His head lolled below his shoulders, so she couldn’t get a good look at his face to ascertain his level of consciousness.
Other parts of him, though, she couldn’t seem to drag her eyes away from.
She did her best not to look between his legs, and mostly succeeded. At a time like this, modesty hardly mattered, but she figured the poor soul deserved whatever dignity she could allow him.
That is to say, she only peeked twice before wrenching her eyes upward.
The muscles winging from his back beneath where his arms spread were ugly shades of darkness painted by trauma. The ripples of his ribs were purple on his left side, and red on the other. Blunt bruises interrupted the symmetrical ridges of his stomach, as though he’d been kicked or struck repeatedly. As they dragged him closer, what she’d feared had been blood became something infinitely worse.
It was as though his flesh had been chewed away, but by something with no teeth. The plentiful meat of his shoulder and chest, his torso, hips, and down his thigh were grotesquely visible.
Burns, maybe?
“Good God, how is he still alive?” The awe in her father’s voice reminded her of his presence as they scurried to open the carriage door and help drag the man inside. It took the four of them to manage it.
“He won’t be unless we hurry.” The driver tucked the man’s long, long legs inside, resting his knees against the seat. “I fear he won’t last the few miles to Brentwood.”
Ripping her cloak off, Lorelai spread it over the shuddering body on the floor. “We must do what we can,” she insisted. “Is there a doctor in Brentwood?”
“Aye, and a good one.”
“Please take us there without delay.”
“O’course, miss.” He secured the door and leaped into his seat, whipping the team of fresh horses into a gallop.
As they lurched forward, the most pitiful sound she’d ever heard burst from the injured man’s lips, which flaked with white. His big arm flailed from beneath the cloak to protect his face, in a gesture that tore Lorelai’s heart out of her chest.
The burn scored the sinew of his neck and up his jaw to his cheekbone.
Pangs of sympathy slashed at her own skin, and drew her muscles taut with strain. Lorelai blinked a sheen of tears away, and cleared emotion out of her tight throat with a husky sound she’d made to soothe many a wounded animal on the Black Water Estuary.
His breaths became shallower, his skin paler beneath the bruises.
He was dying.
Without thinking, she slid a hand out of her glove, and gently pressed her palm to his, allowing her fingers to wrap around his hand one by one.
“Don’t go,” she urged. “Stay here. With me.”
His rough, filthy hand gripped her with such strength, the pain of it stole her breath. His face turned toward her, though his eyes remained closed.
Still, it heartened her, this evidence of awareness. Perhaps, on some level, she could comfort him.
“You’re going to be all right,” she crooned.
“Don’t lie to the poor bastard.” Mortimer’s lip curled in disgust. “He’s no goose with a defective wing, or a three-legged cat, like the strays you’re always harboring. Like as not he’s too broken to be put back together with a bandage, a meal, and one of your warbling songs. He’s going to die, Lorelai.”
“You don’t know that,” she said more sharply than she’d intended, and received a sharp slap for her lapse in wariness.
“And you don’t know what I’ll do to you if you speak to me in that tone again.”
Most girls would look to their fathers for protection, but Lorelai had learned long ago that protection was something upon which she could never rely.
Her cheek stinging, Lorelai lowered her eyes. Mortimer would take it as a sign of submission, but she only did it to hide her anger. She’d learned by now to take care around him in times of high stress, or excitement. It had been her folly to forget … because she knew exactly what he was capable of. The pinch of her patient’s strong grip was nothing next to what she’d experienced at the hands of her brother on any given month.
Ignoring the aching throb in her foot, Lorelai dismissed Mortimer, leaning down instead to stroke a dripping lock of midnight hair away from an eye so swollen, he’d not have been able to open it were he awake.
Across from her, Mortimer leaned in, as well, ostensibly studying the man on the floor with equal parts intrigue and disgust. “Wonder what happened to the sod. I haven’t seen a beating like this in all my years.”
Lorelai schooled a level expression from her face at the reference to his many perceived years. He was all of twenty, and the only violence he witnessed outside of sport, he perpetrated himself.
“Brigands, you suspect?” Sir Robert fretted from beside her, checking the gathering darkness for villains.
“Entirely possible,” Mortimer said flippantly. “Or maybe he is one. We are disturbingly close to Gallows Corner.”
“Mortimer,” their father wheezed. “Tell me you haven’t pulled a criminal into my coach. What would people say?”
The Weatherstoke crest bore the motto Fortunam maris, “fortune from the sea,” but if anyone had asked Lorelai what it was, she’d have replied, Quid dicam homines? “What would people say?”
It had been her father’s favorite invocation—and his greatest fear—for as long as she could remember.
Lorelai opened her mouth to protest, but her brother beat her to it, a speculative glint turning his eyes the color of royal sapphires. “If I’d hazard a guess, it would be that this assault was personal. A fellow doesn’t go to the trouble to inflict this sort of damage lest his aim is retribution or death. Perhaps he’s a gentleman with gambling debts run afoul of a syndicate. Or, maybe a few locals caught him deflowering their sister … though they left those parts intact, didn’t they, Duck?” His sly expression told Lorelai that he’d caught her looking where she ought not to.
Blushing painfully, she could no longer bring herself to meet Mortimer’s cruel eyes. They were the only trait Lorelai shared with her brother. Her father called them the Weatherstoke jewels. She actively hated looking in the mirror and seeing Mortimer’s eyes staring back at her.
Instead, she inspected the filthy nails of the hand engulfing her own. The poor man’s entire palm was one big callus against hers. The skin on his knuckles, tough as an old shoe, had broken open with devastating impact.
Whatever had happened to him, he’d fought back.
“He’s no gentleman,” she observed. “Too many calluses. A local farmhand, perhaps, or a stable master?” It didn’t strain the imagination to envision these hands gripping the rope of an erstwhile stallion. Large, magnificent beasts pitting their strength one against the other.
“More like stable boy,” Mortimer snorted. “I’d wager my inheritance he’s younger than me.”
“How can you tell?” With his features beyond recognition, Lorelai was at a loss as to the man’s age. No gray streaked his midnight hair, nor did lines bracket his swollen lips, so she knew he couldn’t be old, but beyond that …
“He’s not possessed of enough body hair for a man long grown.”
“But he’s so big,” she reasoned. “And his chest appears to have been badly burned, the hair might have singed right off.”
“I’m not referring to his chest, you dull-wit, but to his coc—”
“Mortimer, please.”
Lorelai winced. It was as close to a reprimand as her father ever ventured. Mortimer must have been very wicked, indeed. It was just her luck that he did so on perhaps the first occasion Lorelai had actually wanted her brother to finish a sentence.
A rut in the road jostled them with such force at their frantic pace, Lorelai nearly landed on the injured man. His chest heaved a scream into his throat, but it only escaped as a piteous, gurgling groan.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” she whimpered. Dropping to her knees, she hovered above him, the fingers of her free hand fluttering over his quaking form, looking for a place to land that wouldn’t cause him pain.
She could find none. He was one massive wound.
A tear splashed from her eye and disappeared into the crease between his fingers.
“Duck, perhaps it’s best you take your seat.” Her father’s jowly voice reminded her of steam wheezing from a teakettle before it’s gathered enough strength to whistle. “It isn’t seemly for a girl of your standing to be thus prostrated on the floor.”
With a sigh, she did her best to get her good foot beneath her, reaching for the plush golden velvet of the seat to push herself back into it.
An insistent tug on her arm tested the limits of her shoulder socket, forcing her to catch herself once more.
“Lorelai, I said sit,” Lord Southbourne blustered.
“I can’t,” she gasped incredulously. “He won’t let me go.”
“What’s this, then?” Mortimer wiped some of the mud away from the straining cords of the man’s forearm, uncovering an even darker smudge beneath. As he cleared it, a picture began to take shape, the artful angles and curves both intriguing and sinister until mottled, injured skin ruptured the rendering. “Was it a bird of some kind? A serpent?”
“No.” Lorelai shook her head, studying the confusion of shapes intently. “It’s a dragon.”
Copyright © 2018 by Kerrigan Byrne
Kerrigan has done many things to pay the bills, from law enforcement to belly dance instructor. Now she’s finally able to have the career she’d decided upon at thirteen when she announced to her very skeptical family that she was going to “grow up to be a romance novelist.” Whether she’s writing about Celtic Druids, Victorian bad boys, or brash Irish FBI Agents, Kerrigan uses her borderline-obsessive passion for history, her extensive Celtic ancestry, and her love of Shakespeare in almost every story.
She lives in a little Victorian coast town on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State with her wonderful husband. When she’s not writing you can find her sailing, beach combing, kayaking, visiting wineries, breweries, and restaurants with friends, and hiking…okay…wandering aimlessly clenching bear spray in the mountains. .Social Links:
Author Website:
Twitter: @Kerrigan_Byrne
Facebook: @KerriganByrneAuthor
Instagram: @KerriganByrne
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