Saturday, December 7, 2019

Winter Blog Hop - Where Do You Post Your Reviews

Bookish Blog Hops' Winter Hop Day 7: 

Where Do You Post Your Reviews?

Thanks to Jo Lindsell, I am eager to share in the Winter Blog Hop. For the month of December, lots of bloggers are sharing their thoughts with regard to various topics of interests to readers all around. 

As busy bloggers, we all post our book reviews to as many online places as possible. We do this so that authors and publishers can get as much recognition as possible for their books before, when and after they are released. 

Robin (me)

First and foremost, I post every single review on my blog. Since I mostly review ARCs, I also post to either NetGalley or Edelweiss. I also post pretty much everywhere else, including PinterestInstagram and Twitter. Quite naturally, I also post on my own Facebook page. I also post to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and sometimes Kobo. 

Since I do at least 15 blog tours per month, it is imperative that I post these reviews to all of these sites. I also post to my other Facebook groups (Book Blogger Buddies and Reading & Planner Babes) and to a couple other book-related Facebook groups. I do try and give every book, author and review the same  recognition for non-blog tour related books. This has led to over 1, 600 followers on Twitter, with authors and publishers being the majority of them, and I am getting at least a dozen tweets per day and I find that very rewarding. 

Jo Linsdell

I tend to do video reviews for the book I read and so the first place I share them to is my youtube channel. I then embed them in a blog post on my website,, and share via my social media profiles. I usually always post a rating for each book I read on Goodreads too. I sometimes also post to Amazon.

Erica Robyn

The first place I post is on my blog, After that, I share my reviews on various social media platforms; my facebook page, appropriate facebook groups I am in, Twitter, Instagram, and Litsy. I also post my reviews to Goodreads for everything, and to Amazon if I gave the book 3-5 star ratings. If the book happened to be a BOTM pick, or something from NetGalley, I would also leave my review on those platforms.


My reviews are usually either on my blog or on Audible. I try to cross-post to Goodreads but I don’t find the platform very user-friendly, so I don’t always do that. I like that Audible only allows you to review an audiobook if you actually have the book in your library.


Instagram! I try to post all the books I read/the reviews on my Instagram page ( My reviews also go on my Goodreads page, Amazon and some go on my blog.


I will always always always post my reviews on my blog. That’s the main area I will post them. Another place I will always post my reviews at is Goodreads. I usually try to post them on Amazon but lately I have been slacking off when it comes to posting them on there. I’m hoping that at the beginning of the year I’ll have my YouTube channel up and running and I’ll try to get some posted up on there as well.


I post my reviews on my blog. I also cross post to Goodreads and share the links on Twitter as well as Facebook. My Facebook page was a fairly new addition and I don’t do as much with it as I probably should though. I try to post to Amazon as well, but sometimes that gets lost in the hustle and bustle.

Leslie Conzatti

The primary place I post reviews of the books I read--particularly featuring the indie-published titles--is on my blog, The Upstream Writer, under the Reader’s Reviews page. Part of the deal for indie authors too is that I will review their books on Goodreads and Amazon as well, while also sharing the blog review on my Facebook Author Page. For the first few years on my blog, I would share “Reading Lists” of library checkouts I read, ranking them or reviewing them, whatever I decided to do with them that year. I haven’t really done that in a while, since there was a space of time when I wasn’t even going to the library, but whenever I do an “Upstream Updates” post I’ll also include an update on what I’m reading, so I’ll include a mention of it there.


  1. I need to conquer instagram - it defies me!

  2. I am trying to remember to post on Goodreads. Now that we've gotten rid of star ratings, we add a little line in the blog post that points readers toward our star rating on Goodreads. This has helped me remember to update that platform more :)

  3. Looks like I have some more social media accounts to follow! <3

  4. Great Post, I need to sort a instagram

  5. Book bloggers are awesome. I love that we all post to so many different places.
